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Hi, I'm Amanda, founder of Damngoodthyme. I'm so glad to have you here!

Writer's pictureAmanda Fessina

Mindful Digestion During the Holiday Season


The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and, unfortunately, a potential source of stress for many who are conscious of their eating habits. In the midst of festive gatherings and indulgent feasts, the concept of intuitive eating offers a refreshing perspective on nourishing your body while staying in connection with its needs. Let's delve deeper into the principles of intuitive eating, with a focus on honoring hunger and fullness cues, and explore the benefits of mindful digestion to avoid that all-too-familiar feeling of being sick to your stomach after indulging in holiday delights.

Understanding Intuitive Eating:

Intuitive eating is more than just a trend; it's a philosophy that encourages us to listen to our body's cues and respond with kindness and respect. Developed by dietitians Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, intuitive eating promotes a balanced and attuned relationship with food, free from rigid rules or restrictions.

Key Principles of Intuitive Eating:

  1. Reject the Diet Mentality: Intuitive eating begins with rejecting the diet mentality that often permeates the holiday season. Instead of succumbing to the pressure of restrictive eating or the allure of quick-fix diets, embrace the idea that your body knows best when it comes to nourishment.

  2. Honoring Hunger and Fullness: Central to intuitive eating is the practice of honoring your body's natural hunger and fullness cues. During the holiday season, when tempting treats are abundant, it becomes crucial to tune in to these signals. Here's how:

  3. Eat Mindfully: Take a moment before your meal to assess your hunger level. Are you ravenous, or are you comfortably hungry? Mindful eating involves being present with your meal, appreciating each bite, and recognizing when your body signals it's had enough.

  4. Check-In During Meals: Pause periodically during your meal to check in with your body. Assess how satisfied you are and whether you're still genuinely hungry. This self-awareness helps prevent overeating and allows you to respond to your body's cues in real-time.

  5. Practice the 80% Rule: Instead of aiming to clean your plate entirely, consider stopping when you're 80% full. This allows room for your body to digest comfortably and sends a clear message that you're respecting your fullness cues.

  6. Use the Hunger-Fullness Scale: Consider using a hunger-fullness scale ranging from 1 to 10, with 1 being extremely hungry and 10 overly full. Strive to eat when you're around a 3 or 4 and stop when you reach a 6 or 7.

Benefits of Mindful Digestion:

Avoiding Post-Meal Discomfort: One of the immediate benefits of intuitive eating and mindful digestion is the avoidance of that unpleasant, overly full feeling that can accompany holiday indulgence. By paying attention to your body's cues, you can stop eating before reaching the point of discomfort, preventing post-meal distress.
Enhanced Nutrient Absorption: Mindful eating encourages slower, deliberate chewing and savoring of each bite. This aids in the breakdown of food and promotes optimal nutrient absorption. By giving your digestive system the time it needs to process food, you can maximize the nutritional benefits of your holiday meals.
Balanced Blood Sugar Levels: Mindful eating is associated with more stable blood sugar levels. This can contribute to sustained energy levels, reducing the likelihood of energy crashes and mood swings often associated with holiday overindulgence.


This holiday season, embrace the principles of intuitive eating as a guide to nourishing your body and soul. By rejecting the diet mentality, listening to your body's signals, and staying mindful during festive gatherings, you can foster a positive and balanced relationship with food. The added benefits of mindful digestion include avoiding post-meal discomfort, enhancing nutrient absorption, and maintaining balanced blood sugar levels. Remember, the holidays are about joy, connection, and celebrating life – including the joy of nourishing yourself intuitively and without the discomfort that often follows overindulgence. With mindful eating, you can navigate the holiday season with a sense of empowerment, mindfulness, and digestive well-being.
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