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Hi, I'm Amanda, founder of Damngoodthyme. I'm so glad to have you here!

Writer's pictureAmanda Fessina


Updated: Sep 22


Protein Bites

As someone who was recently diagnosed with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, you can imagine how hard it is now to suddenly become ill to foods I have eaten over the last almost thirty years of my life. While my journey to wellness  certainly wasn't easy, it lead me to create each and every one of these recipes featured on damn good thyme.

One of the biggest things I learned that helped me on my healing journey was understanding that following an anti-inflammatory diet does not mean missing out on delicious foods, including sweets and treats.

These apricot bliss balls are a testament to just that. With just four ingredients, these bites go from a simple snack to a satisfying dessert or mid day treat. There is no added sugar, baking needed, and they stay fresh for over a week in the fridge, making them the perfect addition to your meal prep this spring!

Since these bites require minimal ingredients, I highly recommend doubling the batch, and even freezing some. They can be eaten right out of the freezer and almost taste like a bon-bon or creamsicle!

Table of Contents


  • 200 grams Dried Apricots

  • ½ cup Almond Meal

  • Desiccated Coconut (80 grams + 1 /2 cup extra to roll the balls in)

  • 3 tablespoons Honey

Ingredient Substitutions

Honey: The honey can be substituted with maple syrup in this recipe

Almond Meal: The almond meal can be substituted with Tigernut flour to keep this recipe AIP.

How to Make the Apricot Bliss Balls

  1. Divide Coconut: Portion the dried coconut out appropriately- 80 grams (2/3 cup) will be placed in food processor or high powered blender, and 1/2 cup will remain aside to roll the bites in later.

  2. Combine all the Ingredients: To the high powered blender or food processor, add the almond meal, dried apricots, and honey. Pulse until combined

  3. Shape the Bites: Using a cookie scoop, or your hands, form each bite.

  4. Let Chill (optional): These can be eaten immediately, but I find they taste better slightly chilled!

  5. Enjoy: Enjoy these throughout the day as a quick snack, or pack them for when you're on the go.

Check out this quick teaser on Instagram!

Frequently Asked Questions

What ingredients can I substitute?

To make this recipe AIP compliant, substitute the almond meal with Tigernut flour and substitute the honey with maple syrup.

Storage Instructions

Proper storage is crucial to keep your Apricot Bliss Balls fresh and delicious. Here are some general guidelines for storing:

  • Proper storage instructions for bliss balls typically involve keeping them in a cool, dry place to maintain their freshness and prevent spoilage. Here are some specific guidelines: By following these storage instructions, you can help ensure that your protein bites stay fresh and delicious for as long as possible.

  • Refrigeration: Depending on the ingredients and recipe of your bliss balls, refrigeration might be necessary to extend their shelf life. If your protein bites contain perishable ingredients such as fresh fruits or dairy products, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

  • Freezing: Bliss Balls can often be frozen to prolong their freshness. Place them in an airtight container or freezer bag, separating layers with parchment paper to prevent sticking. Frozen bliss balls can typically last for several months. When ready to eat, allow them to thaw in the refrigerator or at room temperature for a few hours.

  • Avoid Moisture: Moisture can cause your bliss balls to become soggy or moldy. Ensure that the container you store them in is airtight and moisture-proof.

  • Separation: If you're storing different flavors or types of bliss balls together, consider separating them with parchment paper or dividers to prevent flavors from mingling.

  • Check for Spoilage: Regularly inspect your apricot bliss balls for any signs of spoilage, such as mold, off smells, or changes in texture or color. Discard any protein bites that show signs of spoilage.

Full Recipe:

If you liked this recipe make sure to check these out:



Did you make this recipe? Be sure to post on instagram and tag @damngoodthyme to be featured in our story!

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Aug 30

What fruits other than apricots can I use?

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